A new library that contains a few objects for quickly building Powerbuilder applications , some of the objects or code is gathered from various hints&tips sites around the net.
It was useful to me in building a few apps , I know it still needs work , and some objects maybe need to be rebuilt or redesigned but they do the job they meant to.
Many thanks to sourceforge that make all that possible.
If you are a web developer/designer and have some time to spend designing this site then let me know. ;-)
Special Thanks to:
All PB fans that make their code available to the web.
Aart Onkenhout for n_coolmenu , n_tooltip , you can visit Aart's homepage at:
Latest Additions
-Treeview based datawindow creator
- Datawindow/Report designer
- User management and security (operational but needs work)
- Library object detector
- OLE object for connection to MS-WORD and handling bookmarks and text additions
Contributions - Help wanted
Of course I would be really glad if someone would contribute to this project by sending his objects or code to be included , or even better extend the functionality , add documentation or whatever might be of use to the public.
The latest release can be downloaded from sourceforge.net at:
It is in progress , well , excuse me but I don't have much time
to do that , I will document as much as possible when possible.There is a lot
of work to be done with the code that documentation really comes after.
You have some time to spare?
You like the PbLib idea?
Then , YOU can help make it better.
what is that? :-))
Well you can mail me your questions at christos_ioannou@yahoo.com